Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 8 final paper

Unit 8 final paper

Q Please write essays on three of the five topics shown below. Select three topics you did not write about in key ideas; if that is not possible, the approach taken in essays should be different from that taken in key ideas, adding value and perspective to the earlier work. Successful essays will Cite, reference, and discuss at least one scholarly article and 2-4 websites on the chosen topic. Discuss court decisions, administrative practices, and other aspects related to public and administrative law. Be 1-2 single-space pages in length, not including quotations, lists, citations, or references. Correctly use APA parenthetic citation and reference list style. Avoid plagiarism. Show live links for websites. Have a heading that identifies the topic. Submit your essays in a single Word file. Be sure your name is at the top of the essays document and that your last name is in the title of the electronic file. Essays are due by 11:59 p.m. Central time. The five topics to choose from are Federalism: Explore how court decisions shape Constitutional interpretation of the relationship between the national and state governments in the U.S. Public employee speech: Discuss the development of case law (court decisions) that defines the speech rights of public employees. Administrative rulemaking: Explore concepts and current issues in the administrative process of creating and adopting regulations to implement legislation. Due process: Find and discuss ways the concept of due process of law is being applied in government today. Judicial review: Examine concepts, processes, cases, and current issues in the area of judicial review of the administrative decisions of public agencies.

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The distribution of power between the federal government and state governments is known as federalism. On the other hand, the Constitution does not draw clear distinctions between which types of policies come under which levels of government. This has led to myriad questions regarding the balance of power between the state and the federal governments. While the distribution of power has been different in a varying set of times.